I hereby express my consent to the processing of my privacy data for marketing purposes and in order to receive advertising material aimed at conducting surveys, market surveys or commercial communications. These data will be processed both using IT tools (e-mail, SMS and other instant messaging tools), both with traditional means of communication and any other type of suitable support, in compliance with the security measures provided by the GDPR. (*)
I hereby GIVE CONSENT, also on a free of charge basis, and pursuant to art. 10 and 320 of the Italian Civil Code and articles 96 and 97 of Italian Law 22.4.1941, n. 633 (Copyright Law), to the publication and/or dissemination in any format of my texts and images as they are freely and willingly entered into the PUGLIA Digital Management System. I also give consent to the storage of photos in the Pugliapromozione archives and I acknowledge that the object of these contents merely bear an informative, institutional and promotional purpose. Moreover, I HEREBY DECLARE to have free access to consents of people possibly portrayed in the photos/videos herein, and to have provided them with appropriate information and disclaimers (pursuant to articles 13-14 of EU Reg. 2016/679), as well as to indemnify and hold harmless the Puglia Region and the Regional Tourism Agency - Pugliapromozione without prejudice to disputes filed by third parties as a result of any omission in the fulfillment of data protection obligations.
I hereby consent to the transfer of personal / business data to particular parties for marketing purposes, as tour operators registered with the PUGLIA digital management system and belonging to all categories registered in the DMS registration form.
I hereby consent to the processing of data personal / business for profiling purposes concerning mine personal / business preferences and consumption habits in order to receive proposals consistent with my interests. (*)